Learn & Educate

Here is where we will share resources for you to learn & educate! Everything posted here is something we found useful in our Bitcoin journey. Ideally, this information will stand the test of time, but the bitcoin network is constantly evolving, growing and correcting. Please remember we are focused on Bitcoin ONLY. Which means you will not find information on any other “blockchain.”

We broke down the content posted into several categories of resources that you can sift through. Each one provides information on all sorts of topics. most of these are things that are hot topics within our group. You’ll find past presentations give by NWA Bitcoiners or guest speakers on topics ranging from home mining to privacy best practices. There are also documents and literature that are foundational to the bitcoin ethos. Lastly, and maybe the most helpful, are guides to educate on how to use bitcoin properly

Articles: Content written by people outside of the Northwest Arkansas Bitcoin group that we find accurate and informative.

Documents: File format information that you are welcome to share, print, copy and send as you see fit.

Presentations: Slide copies, recordings and other information from hosted events. (All recordings posted are with consent of the presenters)

Several posts will appear under multiple categories. We hope you find these resources useful on your bitcoin journey. If you’re looking for information that you can’t find here, please do reach out. We’ll be happy to direct you where to find it or work on adding it here.

Resource Categories